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Nirvana in Fire 2

Nirvana in Fire 2 Episode 42

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Yuan Qi is informed by He Cheng that Pei’er had seen Lady Qin; and An Ru slaps Pei’er, screaming that Pei’er cannot lie about such matters. Sobbing on the floor, Pei’er says on the day of An Ru’s wedding, she had sincerely wished An Ru had married someone of good character.

An Ru convinces herself of Yuan Qi’s innocence, and she tries to tell herself and Pei’er that there is no reason for him to lie. While An Ru accuses Pei’er of being instigated of slandering Yuan Qi, you can tell that she harbours her own doubts.

Just then, Yuan Qi rushes over. Min’er reports to him that Pei’er and An Ru are having a private conversation. Yuan Qi remarks that Min’er being kept in the dark is not a bad thing, and heads to the tower.

Pei’er and An Ru are in tears, and Pei’er tries to tell An Ru to search the pond – and this entire exchange is overhead by Yuan Qi. Both girls’ eyes widen in shock.

Back at Langya mountain, Ping Jing studiously looks over the books, and Lin Xi helps him.

Yuan Qi enters, and he remarks that he is late. An Ru tries to defend Pei’er, saying that Pei’er is crazy and they should send her off. But Yuan Qi closes in on her, saying that An Ru is the one that he is worried about. He reminds her of their wedding vows – that she should treat her husband as her priority. Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 9.55.37 PM.png

Yuan Qi tells her that he owes her no explanation, and all that she needs to do is take care of the household well. Crying, An Ru agrees. Yuan Qi forces An Ru to punish Pei’er, and Pei’er pleads with An Ru. Hardening her voice, An Ru orders to silence Pei’er – and He Cheng draws his sword.

But An Ru pleads for Pei’er, and asks that instead of bloodshed, Pei’er instead drowns in the clear waters and scenery. An Ru looks away and tells Pei’er to leave, and Pei’er gives her a final bow. Watching Pei’er leave with He Cheng’s supervision, An Ru collapses. Yuan Qi looks on heartlessly as Pei’er falls into the waters.

An Ru remains sobbing, and outside, Min’er observes with a heavy heart. Yuan Qi says that Pei’er was merely a servant, and that he would choose more for her – totally forgetting the bond between the two girls. Yuan Qi tells An Ru to trust him, and whatever he is doing is for their future. He hugs her, telling her not to be afraid.

He Cheng asks after Yuan Qi as they send off An Ru, who sits mindlessly in the carriage. Min’er asks where Pei’er is, but An Ru tells her to just pretend that Pei’er never existed.

Pei’er crawls back from the dead. She is dishevelled and muddy, but claws up the bank determinedly.

In the library, Ping Jing comes to the conclusion that Dong Hai wants to build a powerful ship-port (kinda to make ships and it’s some strategic location with a deep harbour – not very sure if i’m translating this right haha). This threatens Great Liang’s defence. Ping Jing knows that Yuan Qi swapped the 3 states for Lord Moqi’s 7 states, and hopes that Yuan Qi is confident of acquiring the lands back. Ping Jing acknowledges that he failed to consider Yuan Qi’s ambitions, and hopes that Yuan Qi is still loyal to Great Liang.

Minister Xun receives a note from Commander Xun that he is coming back for the new year, and the manor is overjoyed. Minister Xun quickly orders for Commander Xun’s room to be tidied up for his arrival.

Yuan Qi feeds An Ru medicine, and she eyes the medicine suspiciously before downing it.

An aunt from the Xun family visits An Ru, after hearing that she is unwell. Yuan Qi tries to send the servant away, but is unsuccessful. With Yuan Qi watching her like a hawk, An Ru simply tells the servant that she is fine.

Just then, General Yue comes across Pei’er, who is unconscious and they try to save her. The Xun manor receives news that Pei’er drowned, and Aunt Xun wonders why this is so – Pei’er was well known to be good at swimming. Minister Xun acts indifferent about it.

Ping Jing writes a letter to Minister Xun, because he is the only one that will help both Great Liang and Yuan Qi. Ping Jing tells Lin Xi that he has no intention to go back, and the letter would be sent through Commander Xun.

After sending away the servants, Yuan Qi asks An Ru to understand him, that she will attain a higher status. She agrees sadly, while Min’er sobs through the night. Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 10.16.29 PM.png

In the morning, Lady Qin meets up with Yuan Qi, who warns her not to visit without notice in the future. She observes that Yuan Qi is under the watchful eye of Minister Xun, but he declares that it might not be always so. Lady Qin advises Yuan Qi to collaborate with Lord Moqi.

General Yue hasn’t been able to meet the King, and is frustrated by the amount of court work there is in the capital. Ignoring his subordinate’s warnings that the neighbouring aunty doesn’t like it, General Yue practices archery HAHA.

Lady Qin hands Yuan Qi a note, and remarks that Minister Xun is the only one that can cause the downfall of Yuan Qi – so Lord Moqi is offering to clear the route for him. But Yuan Qi delays it, saying that this is too big a risk. Lady Qin asks why he is backing out; and just then, he receives news that An Ru has fainted.

Turns out An Ru is pregnant, and the doctor advises them to be careful and be happy. But An Ru can’t seem to force a smile, and Yuan Qi continues that he is eager to finally start a family. She stares at him, while he promises the best for her and her child. An Ru replies that Yuan Qi knows precisely what is worrying and scaring her, and asks him to stop for her sake. Yuan Qi just says that from now on, only her and their baby matter the most.

Yuan Qi tells He Cheng to retrieve the item that Lady Qin had asked for, because he himself is curious over what it is.

A doctor attends to Pei’er, who is running a high fever and is unconscious. Today, General Yue is finally meeting the King, and the King rewards him for his military success. With Yuan Qi and Minister Xun present, General Yue reports to the King that the failure of the Dong Hai battle was because of military secrets being slipped out and not the incompetence of the soldiers.

General Yue continues that he wants to report one more matter to the King – that the military strategy for the 3 (Huai Dong San Zhou) and 7 state battle was different. He reports that based on his observation, Dong Hai’s objective was always just to get the 3 states – even though Great Liang seemingly won by acquiring 7 states. Alert, Minister Xun and Yuan Qi try to mask their emotions.

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